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Our Brand Name and where it came from....

And why it's more than just a name

by Jennie Parker (founder)

I'd wanted to create my own range for a long time - in all honesty I'd never really considered a name, it was just something I knew i wanted to do; but a brand needs a name!  I played with different name combinations, words which resonated with me, with the product I was creating, and as part of that I looked back at the names within our family and 'Barkworth' and 'Reeve' were the perfect choice. Names I've grown up with, and it felt like the perfect homage to my maternal and paternal grandmothers. Women who helped shape the person I am, the code I live by and the dreams I aspire to achieve.





Nanna and Grandma (as I knew them) were two exceedingly different types of women, chalk and cheese.

Nanna was glamorous and over the top, she was larger-than-life, about 5 ft 2 with big hair (which i swear got bigger as she got older) and red nails. She drank whiskey and smelt of perfume (which my mum always found overpowering!). She was always bedecked in jewellery and had an enamel powder compact which she used to carry in her handbag and would whip out to check her lipstick with. She was always accompanied by her beloved and grumpy Lhasa apsho dogs - when she had a shampoo and set at the hairdressers, the dogs were duly dropped off for theirs (they were basically blow dried mops on legs with teeth!). Irrespective of their petulant nature Nanna loved them, she use to hurtle round in her car playing Tom Jones. She loved rich food, was an incredible knitter and had a dirty laugh.


Grandma was the polar opposite. She was a homemaker, an amazing cook with snow white hair which had been jet black in her youth. She was a also prolific knitter, (but more freestyle!), she made us bed socks in odd colour combinations with giant pompoms. She was softly spoken with a gentle Yorkshire accent.
She never learnt to drive but loved her dachshund, Songs of Praise on a Sunday and loose leaf Yorkshire tea.

She had an amazing garden (mainly due to my Grandad's efforts!) with roses, lavender and a huge vegetable patch. In the autumn she'd make us climb the apple trees in the garden and pick the fruit for her to store. She always made her own jam and when we use to visit she would give us a flannelette sheet from the airing cupboard and washing line to make a den with.


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